Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I book using this website?

A: By booking directly using this website you are guaranteed the best rate available including a complimentary continental breakfast. Booking directly with us gives you more control over your stay if changes occur without third-party formalities.

Q: What is the earliest I can Check-in?

A: Standard check-in time is 2 pm, however, given the notice we will do our best to provide an earlier check-in time. 

Q: Can I arrive after reception hours?

A: Yes we offer 24hr check-ins via our night bell. Please call us if you want to arrive after 8 pm for special arrangements. 

Q: Do you offer parking?

A: Yes, we have high-roof undercover parking directly in front of every room.

Q: Are your rooms non-smoking?

A: Yes, we have a strict non-smoking policy inside all rooms.

Q: Do you have a restaurant?

A: We serve a complimentary continental breakfast when booking directly.

Q: Do you offer room service?

A: Yes, for both breakfast and dinner. We also have a bar in the restaurant.

Q: Do you have WIFI in guest rooms?

A: Yes, we provide free unlimited WIFI throughout the entire motel. 

Q: Do you have an outdoor entertainment area?

A: Yes, we have a garden pool BBQ area. 

Q: How close are you to the shops?

A: Dalby Retail Centre is within a 5-minute walk and boasts specialty stores for those essential and indulgent needs. It’s 2 minutes by car to Dalby Shopping World, including Big W, Woolworths, Telstra and more.

Q: How close are you to restaurants?

A: We are within 2-5 minutes by car to a number of quality restaurants, cafes, and popular fast food outlets. Please visit Google Maps for a detailed list.

Q: Do you have Smart TVs in guest rooms?

A: Yes, all rooms have smart TVs including access to applications such as Netflix, Youtube, etc. 

Q: What is your Cancellation Policy?

A: Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the check-in date and time. Cancellations received in less than 24 hours, the full amount for the first cancelled night will be charged.

Q: How do I guarantee my booking?

A: Payment details are required at the time of booking to secure your stay.

Q: Do you allow pets?

A:  No, we have a strict no pets policy. Exemption to service guide dogs. 

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